CPC DrumQuik PRO

CPC DrumQuik PRO

Why do we need DrumQuik PRO? 

When aggressive fluids like sulfuric acid, diethyl ether, or hydrochloric acid flow safely or are contained properly they look harmless. However, if these types of fluids spill or drip, they can get into contact with the body or release harmful vapors, which can be very dangerous to human health. Cleaning them up is also very risky and expensive.

This is the reason you need to purchase CPC’s new DrumQuik pro. 

How does it work? 

The DrumQuik PRO closed chemical dispensing system provides safe, easy, and economic extraction of chemicals from drums, jury cans, and IBCs while reducing costly spills containing hazardous fumes, enhancing. Workplace safety and avoiding potential calamities like this. 

Consider the act of blending chemicals with an open system, when your worker needs to remove and reinsert the drip tube a full drum is needed. 

Chemicals can splash and vapors are released, jeopardizing the security of your process, the safety of the worker, and possibly everyone in the plant. 

This problem is quickly eliminated with the easy-to-use, closed system DrumQuik PRO.

Also, consider the dangers in an open system when a worker removes a bung plug and pours, uses a hand pump, or worst of all, tips a drum to dispense chemicals. Any spilled chemicals or released vapors threaten the worker’s safety and the plant’s environment. 

And what are the additional costs that are incurred because of wasted materials and cleanup time?

And the downtime that comes with the hazmat crew and the strict incident handling and reporting procedures follow.

Once again, these issues are resolved with the DrumQuik PRO.


Here are a few features of DrumQuik PRO:

  • DrumQuik PRO consists of a low-cost recyclable dip tube and drum insert, which is pre-installed at the chemical packager and is shipped as part of the drum package.


  • The end user requires no special tools to connect the coupler at the point of use. 


  • When ready to dispense, the end user simply removes the shipping plug and connects the couplers. 


  • This eliminates the need to transfer the dripping wet dip tube to a new drum.


  • The coupler’s automatic shutoff valve prevents spills during a changeover. 


  • DrumQuik PRO is ideal for both high volume and single-use applications, wherever you dispense and manage problematic chemicals.


Main Applications: 

  • Pharmaceutical media.
  • Paint and Coating dispensing.
  • Edible Oils and Syrup transport
  • Institutional cleaning 
  • Acids, Caustics, and Solvents
  • Agricultural fertilizer application
  • Fragrance and flavoring production
  • Handling hazardous chemicals is a messy and dangerous business.

Eliminate some of the worries that come with open chemical handling systems and reduce costs with Colder DrumQuik PRO.

CPC’s DrumQuik PRO: Safer Chemical Management. 

For More Info. pls visit: https://www.natronequipments.com/